Millennials. We are described as entitled and lazy. We want things instantly and we want them perfect. We are agile and adaptable. We are impatient and picky. One thing that we aren’t, though, is afraid of adventure. We’re the “Gen Y” who want to work from home, from a home-from-home, from a golden sandy beach in Indonesia, or from a quirky hotel bar in New York. Whether we are what the stereotypes perpetuate or not, that’s what they say we are. But one thing, I think the critics are right about is FOMO. The Fear-Of-Missing-Out epidemic has hit the Millennials hard, or so they say, and I can absolutely agree that I’m no exception.
Let’s take an example. It’s 6pm on a Monday, you’re knackered and waiting for the tube home; there’s a long queue at the platform so naturally, you’re not going to get the first tube home. You get in line with the endless army of commuters. You find your phone in your coat pocket – yes, you’re wearing a coat because it’s England so it’s miserable and cold outside (even if it is July!). You find yourself on Instagram and see a bikini clad body living your dream, swimming with turtles in the bluest waters in the Maldives. Suddenly, your long commute home seems sucky in comparison.
So, I thought long and hard about my travel fears. After the hard hitting ones: natural disasters, terrorism, medical emergencies and so forth comes FOMO. The Fear-Of-Missing-Out is real for me. With Instagram portraying a perfectly hued Sierra-filtered life, it’s easy to feel that all around us are people on lavish holidays, balancing gracefully on inflatable unicorns (how do they do that?!) and getting the perfect jumping shots on sandy beaches. I can’t help it, the FOMO creeps in so frequently. I’m even guilty of being on holiday and getting FOMO when my family are doing fun things back home without me!
I’m now actively trying to shed my FOMO. I’ve decided not to miss out anymore but to jump right in, to bite the bullet and do something bold. Those close to me will know that I usually plan every detail, whether it be for my trips, my career or even my dinners! Sometimes though, it’s good to shake things up. I’m taking three trips that have all been planned over the span of just a few weeks. It’s not like me, the planner, to do this! I’ve two short hauls and the biggest trip yet… and finally, I can share it with you! Here’s what’s coming up:
1) Barcelona, Spain
I’m throwing caution to the wind and joining my other half on a fairly last minute trip to Barcelona. I last went in 2011 on a girly trip and loved wandering around, eating mountains of tapas and exploring the clubs till the early hours. Six years on, I imagine it’s going to be pretty different! I’m planning to eat as much tapas as humanly possible, go on a foodies tour, visit the Salvador Dali museum, beach it up and spend quality time with the Doc. And you know what, I’m not even planning much!

Source: Tourism Ireland
2) County Cork, Ireland
I fell in love with Ireland on my first work trip to Cork in 2015; the people are the warmest I’ve ever met, it’s green and lush and vibrant, and there’s so much charm that every time I’ve wanted to explore more. With plans to review a gorgeous, luxury hotel, explore more of the Ancient East and unwind from city life. I’m super excited!
3) Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia
Finally, I can reveal that we are planning a long trip to South America! It’s an adventure that I’ve been dreaming about for seven years since my first experience of the continent! I’m excited to eat the freshest ceviche in Lima, walk through waterfalls in Ecuador, see animals I’ve not heard of in the Galapagos, and see the salt flats I had as my laptop screensaver for years! Of course, the pristine sandy beaches of Colombia are also high up on my list too. Ooh and I’m hoping to alleviate my fear of trekking by reaching Machu Picchu in one piece (even typing this makes me nervous!)
I’ve realised you just can’t have everything at once and different flames need to be dialled up and dialled down based on your priorities at the time. I won’t let the Fear-Of-Missing-Out ruin my daily commute anymore. Some days you’re working late, with your hair in a messy bun, heels kicked off and it’s raining outside. Other days, the sun feels warm on your skin, soft sand brushes the soles of your feet, there’s salt in the air and the reflection of a Pina Colada in your sunglasses. FOMO is exactly that. Just another fear. And yes, I’ll probably get another bout of that dreaded FOMO sometime soon. Maybe it’ll pop up when I’m driving through the countryside in Ireland or looking for tapas in Barcelona. Who knows? FOMO often pops up when I least expect it.
Anyway, that’s quite enough for today. I’m really looking forward to my trips, please do let me know if you’ve any recommendations and follow along on Instagram. Oh and if you do get hit with a bit of FOMO when you see my travel pics, please note, I wrote this whilst commuting on a packed Jubilee line, with a uniquely pungent odour of strong aftershave and damp surrounding me. And there’s a crying child in the carriage too. I have a headache and I’m in an enclosed space so it’s not all glam. It won’t be long till you’ll be on your next trip too – and I can’t wait to hear about it!